About site

Our online journal Solentsci.com was formed to provide every person who wants to keep up with life, with information about the modern digital world. This field is becoming more and more huge and multifaceted every day. New IT technologies and professions appear every day.

All this changes the usual way of life of those people who do not want to be informed of all the news of the IT world. That is why we hope that the materials of our site will help inquisitive minds to be in trend. At the same time, those who do not want to be unaware of the most useful and modern trends, will be able to be aware of the most important directions of development in the world of information technologies.

About author

My name is Benjamin Lewis. I am an IT professional in the software industry, and I also write articles on IT topics for various websites. My journey into the world of technology began the moment I took my first computer apart at the age of ten, just to understand how it worked. Since then, I haven’t stopped improving my programming and development skills. One of the highlights of my career was creating a proprietary algorithm for database optimization that significantly improved performance on several projects my team was working on. Being committed to innovation, I always strive to not just follow trends but create them. My reviews and advice are based on personal experience and are dedicated to helping every reader understand the complex world of technology.